Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Female Character Animation

Hey, I know.. I know.. since I graduated Uni I've been distant from blogging well ive been busy doing cool things lol. Its been a wonderful and a long patiently waiting moments to get me to where I am.

Currently working on a game called Rising Storm 2 for Steam - PC. Damn! they had to make me learn 3ds MAX!! after spending almost 3 years just figuring how to work Maya.. but its more or less the same thing.

As I've never fully explored animating with female characters, I decided to give it a go.. I wanted her emotions to extract through her body, I wanted her face and eyes to speak, feeling the sadness within the audio. I know its not prefect - but we are all learning, and within this industry we are in, we can never learn everything as new things occur once you think you have a thumb in it.

So, here's the animation I created in my spare time.. hope you like it, and I'm opened for feedback :)