Friday, 10 May 2013

@ Alan: Maya Toolkit Check List

Intro to Autodesk Maya
Lighting & Rendering - Intro to Lighting
Pre - Visualzation
Animation: Intro to Character Animation
All Character Animations

Texturing 1: Intro to Texturing
All Shaders

Rigging 1: Intro to Rigging & Constraints
All Intro to Rigging & Constraints

Visual Effects 1: Deformers
All Deformers

Visual Effects 2: Render Layer & Compositing
Render Layer & Compositing

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Visual Effects 2: Render Layers & Compositing

Render Layer Part 1: Software Rendering
Render Layer Part 2: Depth of Field

Render Layers Part 3: Mental Ray & Matte Passes

Rigging 1: Intro to Rigging & Constraints

Biped Rigging part 1: Leg and Feet

Rigging Techniques 1: Leg piston

Biped Rigging Part 2: Spine

Rigging Techniques 2: Eyes

Rigging Techniques 3: Object Exchange

Rigging Techniques 3 Tails

Visual Effects 1: Deformers

Deformers Part 1: None-Linear Deformers

Deformers Part 2: Blend Shapes with In-between
Deformers Part 3: Creating Mirrored Blend Shapes
Deformers Part 4: Sculpt Deformers